The timely practice of charitable acts begins with you and me.
Jan., 2006

Social Worker Remark

Don't leave the needy elderly out in the cold

We Need your Help

With just an electric water boiler,you can relieve the elderly from a lot of pain

Donar's Remark

A quiet good conduct

Client's Remark

To keep warm or to save money, A sad dilemma of the poor elderly.

Monthly Services Statistics

A volunteer team of St. James' Settlement Shows their sacred hearts in off-shore Island

Media Report

Report for Jan. 

Your Philanthropic Deed

He who is kind and charitable brings blessings upon himself.

Feb., 2006

Social Worker Remark

Participation And Care Of Business Circle 
¡@¡@May Make Difference To Elderly Living

We Need your Help

With just an electric water boiler,you can relieve the elderly from a lot of pain

You are Need

Help the Homebound Elders Live with Dignity

Client's Remark


Monthly Services Statistics

Report for Feb. 

Your Philanthropic Deed

The timely practice of charitable acts begins with you and me.

March, 2006

Social Worker Remark

 Direct or Remote, Your kindness keeps us close

We Need your Help

 Please Help Poor Elderly With High Water Level Washing Machine

Donar's Remark

 Thank You Whole-heartedly

Client's Remark

 Kind Donors are thoughtful

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for March 

Media Report

 Unique funeral exploratory tour on shroud shop, funeral parlor and crematorium

Your Philanthropic Deed

 Nothing will surpass helping those needy, the first good thing in the world.

April, 2006

Social Worker Remark

 Creating and developing a new charity service

We Need your Help

Donate old but well-functioning mobile phones, Help the elderly rebuild an active social life

Donar's Remark

 Sharing: Value of life and Money

Client's Remark

 ¡§I have a good friend now.¡¨¡@¡@The kind donor is the doctor

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for April 

Your Philanthropic Deed

 Experience the joy of doing good deeds when the results are fulfilled.  And keep up the good work.

May, 2006

Social Worker Remark


We Need your Help

¡¥Decoration Special Account¡¦, Helps Poor Elderly Relocation

Referrer's Remark

 Thanks Our Philanthropists For Concern And Help

Client's Remark

 Gratitude from the Bottom of One¡¦s Heart¡@¡@¡§It requires 5 months¡¦ CASS¡¨

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for May 

Your Philanthropic Deed

 Helping someone at time of difficulty speaks for more than one hundred good deeds.

June, 2006

Social Worker Remark

 ¡§Advertising¡¨ - Thank You For Donating Money

We Need your Help

 Electric Fans to Prevent Heat Stroke, Help The Elderly Through Hot Summer

Donar's Remark

 Educating Your Child When Helping The Old People

Client's Remark

 Tender Breeze from Donors

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for June 

Media Report


Your Philanthropic Deed

 Who pleasure gives, shall joy receive.

July, 2006

Social Worker Remark

 The Value of Home Visit Team?

We Need your Help

 Food Easily Contaminated in Hot Season, Poor Elderly Awaiting Donation of Fridge

Volunteer's Remark

 Nothing Can Stop Me From Volunteering, Not Even The Rainstorm!

Client's Remark

 Though Granted With an Air-Conditioner, Madam Ho Still Cannot Pay The Electricity Bill. 

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for July 

Media Report

 Acquire Money, but More Importantly, Happiness.

Your Philanthropic Deed

 To be able to give generously, to render timely help to the infirm, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged, is the greatest happiness in life.

Aug., 2006

Social Worker Remark

 ¡§Electricity Funds for the Feeble Elderly Program¡¨

We Need your Help

 Reduce Burden On Electricity Fee, Help Feeble Elders To Get Rid Of Burning Hot

Volunteer's Remark

 Nothing Can Stop Me From Volunteering, Not Even The Rainstorm!

Client Remark

 Days Of Suffering In The Heat

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for Aug 

Media Report

 Let Him Have A Cool Remaining Time

Your Philanthropic Deed

 The meaning of life is to think about others, concern about their worries and share their happiness.

Sept., 2006

Social Worker Remark

 Helping Hand for Care

We Need your Help

 Replacing Old Electric Kettles for 28 Needy Elderly, in the Hope of Attaining Hygiene and Warm Water for Use

Volunteer's Remark

 Very modest outlay

Client Remark

 Thank you. Because of what you did for us, we are happy.

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for Sept 

Media Report

 Old Couple Living On CSSA Cannot Afford Rewiring

Your Philanthropic Deed

 Understanding secular affairs seem simple matters, yet unpredictable is the consequence of helping others; Conduct charitable acts in earnest and silence, spread the affection of mankind and tenderness.

Oct., 2006

Social Worker Remark

 We Have to Serve 'Death'

We Need your Help

 28 Elderly Need Water Heater For Bathing. 
Your Donation Helps 
Them From Catching Cold

Client Remark

 Die Without Worry¡@¡@Items That Changes My Life

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for Oct.

Media Report


Your Philanthropic Deed

 A stitch in time saves nine. Do good deeds when they are most needed.

Nov., 2006

Social Worker Remark

Working together

We Need your Help

Donate fan heaters helping elders
go thru cold season

Volunteer's Remark

Easy to catch cold when taking a bath

Donar Remark

Company Care

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for Nov.

Media Report

Seniors View Funeral Arrangements
On Exploratory Tour

Your Philanthropic Deed

Light up a fire in the coldest corner. Let our love warms up the chilly spot.

Dec., 2006

Social Worker Remark


We Need your Help


Donar Remark

Give Warm in Time

Client Remark

 Coziness' Life¡@¡@A Senior Lady Who Treasures Things

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for Dec.

Your Philanthropic Deed

The saddest thing in life is to be old and sickness-ridden. We will make encountering of good will if we show sincere concern.