He who is kind and charitable brings blessings upon himself.

July 2006

2006-07-19 Apple Daily

Acquire Money, but More Importantly, Happiness.

¡@¡@Ms. Leung Yip-ping once made herself extremely happy by purchasing a little diamond; however, she now believes that she can acquire more joy through donating and performing other charitable acts.

Leung, Yip Ping, 
Age 49, Insurance Agent

¡@¡@In the competitive environment of the insurance industry, one¡¦s material assets and looks are sometimes incredibly important. Dressing in designer clothes and wearing expensive jewelries is like telling your boss and clients that you are a decent worker with great achievements and a good life.

¡@¡@I bought myself my very first piece of diamond 10 years ago. Just by looking at this tiny 1-carat diamond shining on my hand, I would feel so delighted, as if the brightness from my diamond formed a path connecting my hand to my heart. On top, I would feel especially happy seeing my colleagues¡¦ looks of jealousy and envy in the office.

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¡@¡@It is indeed very typical for a woman to be happy about the diamonds she owns, but this happiness is unlikely to last. Now, I know how to make money by safely investing in stocks, and always compute how to donate to charities without any initial capital. 

¡@¡@In April and May, I earned $70,000 from the prosperous stock market, and after accounting for my secretary¡¦s salary, I donated the approximate remainder of $20,000 to a charity, which I believe is a very effective way of doing good where I do not need to take out money from my own pocket and get to make use of credit card bonus points. My frequent travel has helped me to accumulate a large spending amount; I would compute my credit card bonus points from time to time and exchange them for electric appliances such as electric boilers, fans, and 14 inches televisions to donate to organizations such as St. James¡¦ Settlement (¡§Electrical Appliances for the Elderly Program¡¨¡Xcontact number: 8107-8324) and Hong Kong Red Cross, to better the lives of needy persons in our society.

¡@¡@My co-worker Connie agrees with what I am doing and thinks that it is rather meaningful. Connie wants to give a hand too, so she called her rich friend who does trading businesses. It is not surprising for a businessman to purchase $10,000 worth of jewelries, so he probably uses his credit card extensively each month. The secretary can in turn help her boss to exchange these accumulated bonus points for gifts such as electric appliances. Many televisions and fans could be obtained just by one little credit card. Being capable of helping others, Connie is even more pleased and happy than obtaining an insurance client.

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¡@¡@I was born in the 1950¡¦s, and so, as expected, I have grown up in poverty. When I was small, I wore second hand clothes that others gave me. Sometimes, I even had to shamefully go to friends¡¦ or relatives¡¦ homes to borrow $100 for urgent use. During that time, whenever relatives and friends came for visit, they would all give us rice or biscuits; thus, after I¡¦ve grown up, I also like to give people things that are of great use to them. 

¡@¡@Upon my graduation from primary school, I tried different professions, such as sewing and assembling electrons. Eventually, I joined the insurance industry 13 years ago. I continuously study and learn effective ways to invest. 

¡@¡@During the stock market crash in 1987, my monthly salary was only $5,000, but I lost $70,000 just by investing in a stock. Luckily, my brother, who is now the Principal of Fresh Fish Traders¡¦ School, lent me some money. After careful analysis, I purchased another stock at a price of $6.8 each, and sold them when they were at $10 to gain back all my money. Since then, I¡¦ve always warned myself not to be greedy when investing. Every time after I earned some money, I would save them up and use the profit portion to continually invest.

¡@¡@Gradually, I¡¦ve earned what I want: a house for shelter, and tours to different places around the globe. As well, I tried to buy a $3,000 raincoat of a ¡§square-patterned¡¨ brand and also a $3,000 scarf to raise my living standards. Nonetheless, I soon realized that there are many things in the world that we have methods to get; on the other hand, to enjoy true happiness in our hearts is much harder.

¡@¡@Furthermore, making money for the future is an endless task. At many times, your financial consultant might help you to calculate the amount of money you will need following retirement to maintain your current living standard, which is usually a gigantic number; going to heaven may even be easier. Now, my savings should be sufficient for me to live for another 10 years, but I believe planning too far ahead is in fact not very necessary. I have a friend who worked very hard and had 3 jobs just to prevent him from being destitute when he turns old; however, at age 42, he passed away because of bone cancer. I deeply feel that having a healthy body already makes me wealthy enough.

Story and Photo by: Sin Lai-ting