He who is kind and charitable brings blessings upon himself.

Aug., 2006


Let Him Have A Cool Remaining Time

ˇ§ Cooling with airconˇ¨

ˇ@ˇ@Mr. Yu, 81 years old, never married and hence without children, is in his final stage of bone cancer. The doctor has given him roughly 6 more months. He lives in an old style housing estate which he shares with another two people in Shumshuipo. The facility is rather small, primitive and basic. After deducting the monthly rental he has only got 2,000 odd dollars for living from his CSSA program. He is frugal and tries to leave some saving to handle his funeral expenditure.

ˇ@ˇ@In this hot summer time, some people consider switching on the air conditioner is a must, and the best way of cooling down the summer heat. However, for the ailing elderly, it is not easy to get over this season. It is not unusual to see elderly gather inside shopping malls to take advantage of free air conditioning during the summer months. However, for old man Yu who is wheel chaired and in the terminal stage on bone cancer has difficulty getting out, spending all of his time home and Cantonese opera singing becomes his only pass time.

ˇ@ˇ@Being a fan for Cantonese opera singing his small room is stuffed with musical recording and songbooks of Cantonese operator singing, making the living space available even more limited and restrictive in airflow and ventilation, especially each time when he wants to listen to his favourite singing. He has to close the doors in order not to interfere his other roommates. 

ˇ@ˇ@Under the 30 ?C hot temperature, the room is just like an oven which lacks fresh air circulation, giving Mr. Yu many sleepless nights. He spent his meager saving on an air conditioner hoping that he could be a little bit more comfortable in his remaining time. As he has spent a fair amount of his saving on medical, he now looks to some benefactor who can sponsor him with his monthly electricity bill. 

ˇ@ˇ@ˇ§Without air-conditioning, my health deteriorates and more unbearable, I only wish to be somewhat more comfortable in my remaining days.ˇ¨

ˇ@ˇ@Would those who care for the elderly please donate to sponsor the roughly HK$ 350 to 400 electricity bill and to give old man Yu a warm feeling of love and care from the society.
