¡¸Volunteers' Participation
¡¸Volunteer's Remark
¡¸Donor's Remark
Feb, 2006

Help the Homebound Elders Live with Dignity
Join our Haircutting Service

¡@¡@When a person is still healthy and strong, he will try his best to present himself appear fresher, more youthful and more energetic. Truthfully, a clean and dignified appearance will give a senior citizen the sense that they are confident and full of vitality; therefore allowing them to feel more younger and to live their lives optimistically.

¡@¡@As time passes, a person will age, grow weak and eventually have difficulty moving. Due to the elder¡¦s health condition, he will become dull and less energetic. Consequently, he will overlook grooming---causing his hair to grow to an extreme length or that he is not able to dress himself appropriately, giving other people the impression that he is shameful and unworthy. Obviously, when one is living this depressive situation, he will lose the will to live and act as he is waiting to die.

¡@¡@Imagine lending a hand to these helpless senior citizens by using haircutting and grooming skills to revive their passion to live. This will extinguish their emotional sorrows and regain their confidence. Do you like to become our Homecare Haircutting Service For The Elderly volunteer in order to help these vulnerable senior citizens?

¡@¡@Are you willing to carry out this compassionate operation throughout Hong Kong and help trigger the livelihood of all those elders who cannot groom themselves properly? As long as you have basic haircutting tools and with skill and refuse to allow the defenseless senior citizens live their lives in shame, please contact us. A lot of elders are waiting for you! 

Participation Hotline: 2831-3215 or 8107-8324