Light up a fire in the coldest corner. Let our love warms up the chilly spot.

Nov., 2006

Ming Paoˇ@31-10-06

Seniors View Funeral Arrangements
On Exploratory Tour

The worker scattered the ash in the Memorial Garden according to the will.'

ˇ@ˇ@While actively developing services for the care of the elderly, government seldom gives out information on funerary facilities. A group of senior citizens, defying all taboos, went on a Funeral Exploratory Tour for a first-hand view of the funeral home and crematorium, so as to plan their own funerals in advance. Concerned that the shortage of columbaria may leave them ˇ§without burial ground,ˇ¨ many seniors urge government to ease the restrictions on burial at sea, and to provide more information on funerary facilities. 

ˇ@ˇ@Close to 50 seniors and their family members took part in a recent ˇ§Funeral Exploratory Tourˇ¨ organized by St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement. They visited coffin and grave-clothes shops, graveyard and crematorium to gain an understanding of funeral arrangements.

Government Urged To Ease Sea Restriction

ˇ@ˇ@In addition to traditional ground burial and cremation, the seniors were taken to the memorial garden of the Kwai Chung Crematorium to witness an ash-scattering ceremony. Like many other seniors, Grandma Kwai-lin, who is over 70, would like her ashes to be scattered at sea, ˇ§Thereˇ¦s no need for a columbarium or a tablet in my memory at home. The simplier the better.ˇ¨ Right now government only permits ashes to be scattered in the memorial gardens of designated crematoria, which Grandma Kwai-lin thinks are too confined in space. She hopes government will allow ashes to be scattered in Hong Kong waters. 

ˇ@ˇ@Ms. Lau accompanied her 80-year-old mother on the tour. She said that her mother, at her advanced age, wants to gain an understanding of funeral arrangements ahead of time. Totally free of taboo, mother and daughter asked many questions: ˇ§How long is the waitlist after one applies for ground burial or a columbarium? Can one apply in advance, while still living? What are the charges?ˇ¨ Ms. Lau feels that, while promoting service for the elderly, government should also help citizens choose suitable funeral services by giving out more information on funerary facilities.

ˇ@ˇ@Elderly persons who have no next of kin and who wish to make funeral plans in advance can contact St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement to inquire about its ˇ§Funeral Arrangement Service.ˇ¨ 

ˇ@ˇ@Telephone Enquiry: 2831 3230 
