Noble is he who lives for the happiness of the masses.
Jan., 2008

Social Worker Remark

It's Chinese New Year

We Need your Help

Give a Lai-see and help local elderly!

A choice between survival and living

Client's Remark

Heart Felt Caring for Two Elderlies
A New Hairdo for A New Year

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for Jan. 

Our Service Introduction

To avoid elderly who lives remotely far away from getting cold, we urge the good hearted people to spread the warmth!
Referee's Remark

Your Philanthropic Deed

Nothing is more happy than doing good deeds and the reason is obvious.

Feb., 2008

Social Worker Remark


We Need your Help

 Defective Appliances Home Fire Concern Short Circuit in Humid Weather Help the elderly to relieve
their electricity expenses in
order to avoid sickness and
save life!

Volunteer's Remark

 No Hardship At All

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for Feb. 

Our Service Introduction

Elderly easily fall ill in freezing weather Timely gifts of warmth bring them new year cheer Continuing appreciation

Media Report

Can¡¦t afford electricity for oxygen machine
Must pay for part of medication 
Old man with many illnesses faces high expenses

Your Philanthropic Deed

 Heaven will not cheat kind people who are cheated by others, and will repay those doing good deeds.

March, 2008

Social Worker Remark

To better use your tax rebates, help the disadvantaged release them from their miseries

We Need your Help

Refrigerator in summer Helps to protect food & pills High Power Cost Hard Hit Poor Family Urgent Help Needed

Client's Remark

Ease & Happy What More Do I Want?
Donor's Remark
Starting From My Aunt  

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for Mar. 

Our Service Introduction

40 Poor Elderly Awaits Your Home Maintenance Support

Your Philanthropic Deed

Savings on good deeds will encounter good fortune.

April, 2008

Social Worker Remark

Need Catching Up

We Need your Help

Donate electrical appliances to help the poor elderly Show care to relieve their plight

Help to make a difference, Help to give poor elderly a boost

Client's Remark

Help old Mr Chan live better Who says Elderly care nothing about privacy?
Referee's Remark
Our Members Can Look Good!
Donor's Remark
To the Volunteers in SJS: Your kindness would never be forgotten.

Media Report

Pharmaceutical Care Services to teach elderly proper way


Special Documentary Mailing The Principle of "Saving whatever we can"

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for Apr. 

Your Philanthropic Deed

Doing good guards one against ill thoughts.

May, 2008

Social Worker Remark

Huge Financial Crisis

We Need your Help

Poor Elderly Electric Water Heaters Appeal I'm so helpless

Volunteer's Remark

The right to proper grooming To help the elderly is my impetus for taking up voluntary work

Client's Remark

Volunteer Worker's Benefit An Unforgettable Mother's Day
Media Report
Electricity funds for the feeble poor help sick boy defray high cost of using oxygen machine-LIGHTENING FINANCIAL PRESSURE


Where has my donation gone?

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for May. 

Your Philanthropic Deed

The rich should give to the poor with compassion.

June, 2008

Social Worker Remark

Happy to see donations plunge

We Need your Help

Electromagnetic Stoves Help Frail Elderly Cooking Respiratory problem worsens in summer heat Feeble elderly needs electricity bill subsidy
Volunteer's Remark
Not Tabooed Volunteer Work

Client's Remark

Sharing the Beneficiary's Happiness A warmest wishes from Hong Kong people
Referee's Remark
Help out of the welfare subsidy
Media Report
BAGS OF MEDICINE EASY TO MIX UP DANGEROUS TO REPEAT MEDICATION---Pharmacists wanted to teach proper medication to hidden elderly


Summer Volunteer Work for Youngsters

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for June. 

Your Philanthropic Deed

Money is all-powerful. By using it properly we build our own happiness.

July, 2008

Social Worker Remark

Our Lifetime Caring
We Need your Help
Fans to avert elderly summer heat stroke

Economic upturn has nothing for me Help to ease electricity bill is the poor's will

We Need Volunteers

We require pharmacist urgently to promote community healthiness

Client's Remark

A WONDERFUL SURPRISE NO MORE NEEDLESS DREAD We can now stay at home in peace!
Referee's Remark
Our Members Can Look Good!

Media Report

Two housing estates to be redeveloped Moving into new home brings misery

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for July. 
Our Service Introduction
Dare establish Life and Death Education Caring Documentary to remove isolation

Your Philanthropic Deed

The accumulation of virtue brings good luck; doing good brings the greatest happiness; doing good brings blessings.

Aug., 2008

Social Worker Remark

Our Lifetime Caring

We Need your Help

Poor Elders can't afford to buy a refrigerator forced to eat leftovers Electricity Funds to Help the Needy Elderly Get Through the Burning Summer

Client's Remark

Sound sleep. Worry free Let me catch our breath too A COOL BREEZE FOR HER

Volunteer's Remark

Every Time Doing His Best

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for August. 

Media Report

Pharmaceutical Care Service for Elderly is now in place!
Our Service Introduction
One World One Dream

Your Philanthropic Deed

Virtue and merit cannot be taken form us while we are living; we can take them with us when we die.

Sept., 2008

Social Worker Remark

Looking for "Reclusive Elderly"

We Need your Help

No TV means no entertainment
Donate a set to help liven up elderly's life
Power Subsidy - Ailing & Handicapped

Volunteer's Remark

Home maintenance may avoid dangerous trap

Client's Remark

We can now stay at home in peace! A fax machine can break the loneliness
Our Service Introduction
Free domestic helper medication training
In return for your donation support
Fulfilling the last wish of others

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for September. 
Media Report
EAE helps to improve elderly living



Your Philanthropic Deed

Virtue and merit cannot be taken form us while we are living; we can take them with us when we die

Oct., 2008

Social Worker Remark

Not a preferred sad melody

We Need your Help

Rice cookers needed for lone elderly Warmth for the winter
poor and frail elderly
Ailing Elderly are suffering under rampant inflation,
Donate for SJS's Power Subsidy Program

Client's Remark

Mr Tam with a broad smile "WHY oh WHY?"
Donor's Remark
Heartily thankful for your support!

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for October. 

Our Service Introduction

Media Report
Chronically ill needy elderly urgently need aid for electricity charges


Do you collect furnitures?

Your Philanthropic Deed

To just talk about charity without carrying it out is meaningless.

Nov., 2008

Social Worker Remark

Never let "Resources run out"

We Need your Help

Love and care to fight winter cold "Medication Subsidy" Program Donation Appeal

Client Remark

Hot water to bathe at last!
Donor's Remark
Give to help the elderly
Volunteer's Remark
MY BLESSING! Thanks to the Donors and Neighbours
Referee's Remark
Help elderly to live in peace

Monthly Services Statistics

Report for November.  

Media Report

This winter cold no more
Poor Web Design, Our Web Design Needs You

Your Philanthropic Deed

Strive to do good deeds, and you are not far from the charity.

Dec., 2008

Social Worker Remark


We Need your Help

 Love and care to
fight winter cold
Power subsidy for the
frail elderly

Volunteer's Remark

 ¡§We want to serve the chronically ill¡¨

Client Remark

 ¡¥Sleep in peace finally Witness to donors' charity Forget not what you have received

Our Service Introduction

 First educational documentary
on father-son relationship
Help break isolation and
rekindle harmony and care

Monthly Services Statistics

 Report for December. 

Media Report

 Call for donations: Help sustain
¡¥The Voice¡¦, a publication
dedicated to the elderly


 Great Use of Credit Card Bonus Points

Your Philanthropic Deed

Noble is he who lives for the happiness of the masses.


Free Domestic Helper Medication Training In Return For Your Donation Support