¡¸Volunteers' Participation
¡¸Volunteer's Remark
¡¸Donor's Remark
December, 2007

Yannie, who is eager to help

¡@¡@Yannie contributes regularly to the 'Electrical Appliances for Elderly' program.

¡@¡@"I had thyroid gland problems once when I was studying overseas. There was no one there to take care of me," remarked Yannie. "I know how it feels to fall sick with no one around to take care of you. You are on your own, you have to take care of yourself," said Yannie. She added, "I am young. I know I will eventually recover. But for those elderly who live alone and have failing health, they might start to feel vulnerable, depressed or even fall into despair if there is no help around. This is why I care for the elderly in particular," Yannie explained the reason why she keeps donating to the program.

¡@¡@"When I was seriously ill, I remember my heart was beating fiercely," Yannie stroked her hands and continued, "My hands shivered frequently. Once I was pouring some hot water, my hands shivered and I spilt the hot water over myself. My body was burnt and I was hospitalised."

¡@¡@"I was lonely and worried about the medical expenses. I was really frightened. Luckily my grandma sent me some money from Hong Kong to help me get through the tough time. I will never forget her kindness," she said highlighting why she especially cares for the elderly.

¡@¡@Yannie said, "I was very pleased when I heard that St. James' Settlement had introduced the 'Electricity Fund for the Feeble Elderly Program'. Running medical equipment at home places is an extra drain on financial resources which are already very scarce. Facing a situation like this many elderly will skimp on basic needs putting their long term health at risk. "This Program allows me to help the elderly to cope with their extra electricity expenses. In so doing this, release them from part of their financial burden."

¡@¡@Already fully recovered from thyroid gland problems, Yannie said, "You know, some illnesses cost a lot of money to treat, on top of which is the expense of running medical equipment which adds to the cost of living."

¡@¡@"I sometimes call Mr. Chan who runs the Program, to enquire about the needs of the elderly," Yannie mentioned, "When my budget is tight, I will explain the program to my friends and encourage them to contribute to the Program and help the elderly."

¡@¡@"I prefer donating money because as a means of helping the elderly it's both direct and immediate."