'Good deed' is to help making others happy.

May, 07

Apple Daily, 26 April 2007


  An old lady living in Aberdeen reported an “explosion” in her washing machine yesterday. Firemen who arrived in response found that her washer had broken down but there was no fire. They advised her to find a technician to repair it. But she wouldn’t let the firemen go, insisting that they do the repairs for her. They didn’t know how to cope with her.

  The scene was a residential unit in Ka Lung Court, Aberdeen. The report was made by a 73-year-old woman named Lee. Shortly after 12 noon yesterday, she called 999 to report an “explosion” in her washer. Earlier she had phoned the estate management office for help. On hearing of an explosion, the office told her to report it to the police.

Old Lady Demands Repair by Firemen

  Police and firemen arrived to find no trace of burning on the washer. According to Lee, she had earlier heard strange noises from the washer. Yesterday morning she washed a pair of jeans by hand and put them in the machine to spin dry. When she turned on the machine it made a blasting sound and emitted an odor. The firemen found that the rubber edging next to the rotating drum was detached, possibly from being knocked against. Suspecting that the washer had been used improperly, they unplugged it and advised her to get a technician to repair it.

  But Lee wanted the firemen to do the repairs for her. Pointing out it was not their job, the firemen turned down her request and left. Unwilling to give up, Lee then would not let the policemen go, threatening to call them again if they didn’t “fix” the washer for her. The police spent a long time talking to her, and were only able to get away after leaving with her the phone number of the police community relations office. The whole affair lasted for nearly an hour. 

  According to Wan Koon-sun, Council Chairman of the Hong Kong and Kowloon Electrical Engineering and Appliances Trade Workers’ Union, the motor and the heating wire (?) of a dual-purpose washer-dryer are two independent parts. If the machine has made an unusual noise before, the breakdown may be in the motor. Social worker Chan Ping-lun of St. James’ Settlement says his organization provides free Home Maintenance Service for people of 60 years and above who need help or have financial difficulty. St. James’ Settlement sends technicians to the homes of elderly persons to repair electrical appliances for them. St. James’ Settlement also provides electrical appliances to elderly persons who need them. Those who need help can be referred to St. James’ Settlement by social workers, or can telephone 8107-8324 for enquiries.

This old lady has repeatedly asked the police to repair her washer for her, but to no avail.