A bit of kindness is the seed of gathering virtue and also the root for gathering fortune.

jan., 07

Ming Paoˇ@3-1-07


Grandma Wong (right) says the heater from the kind donors is just what she needs.

ˇ@ˇ@Every winter, sudden cold spells bring dreadful reports of elderly persons freezing to death. Out of concern for the needy elderly, and to ensure that they keep warm in winter, St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement runs an Electrical Appliances for the Elderly (EAE) program which provides them with suitable appliances such as fan heaters to help them cope with the cold weather.

ˇ@ˇ@Seventy-two-year-old Grandma Wong is a stroke victim. She is hard of hearing and cannot speak clearly, and her clumsy limbs make it difficult for her to move around. Unable to take care of herself, she lives with and must rely on the help of a sister who is four years her senior. Because she cannot move her limbs at will, it takes Grandma Wong a long time to put on her clothes after a bath. Taking a bath in winter was a major operation for her, and she often caught cold.


ˇ@ˇ@Last month, however, Grandma Wong was lucky to get help from St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement. St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement used cash donations it has collected to buy her an electric fan heater that can be used in the bathroom. She can now take her bath in winter without worrying that she might catch cold. It has made her very happy.

ˇ@ˇ@Another beneficiary of the EAE program is 72-year-old Uncle Ko. Also a stroke victim, he spends all his time at home. He said, ˇ§I have caught cold and fallen ill several times even before winter arrives. Bathing is particularly risky. My bathroom is in the balcony, and cold wind enters through cracks in the door. Itˇ¦s very easy to catch a chill. I worry a lot every year when winter draws near. My health is deteriorating steadily, and I have no children. If I freeze to death at home, no one will even know.ˇ¨


ˇ@ˇ@Chan Ping Lun, public relations manager for St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement, says cases like Uncle Koˇ¦s can be found everywhere in Hong Kong. To needy elderly persons who live alone, the CSSA they collect each month is just enough for food. There is no way for them to pay several hundred dollars for a heater to keep warm and ˇ§stay aliveˇ¨. Mr. Chan calls on generous donors to support the Hong Kong-wide EAE program (www.thevoice-hk.org), so that it can respond to referrals from social workers in the various regions, and help the needy elderly pass the bitter cold weather safely.

ˇ@ˇ@You can make a donation by cheque, made payable to ˇ§St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement,ˇ¨ write ˇ§for electric fan heatersˇ¨ on the envelope, and post it to Room 105, St. Jamesˇ¦ Settlement, 85 Stone Nullah Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. They welcome any amount that will bring warmth to the needy. Inquiry hotlines: 2835-4321 and 8107-8324.